It’s often said that animals know how to find the right person when they need help. Sweetie and Tinkerbell were each wandering the streets as stray cats when they crossed paths with Barbara, a kind-hearted woman who had compassion for animals her whole life.

Sweetie and Tinkerbell were Barbara’s faithful companions for many years. When her health began to fail, Barbara was diligent about planning for the future and, most importantly her beloved cats. She’d been a steady supporter of the Oregon Humane Society for many years so she decided to include OHS in her estate plan and enroll Sweetie and Tinkerbell in the Friends Forever program. This meant that when she passed away, OHS would step in to care for her cherished pets and find them the perfect home.

Barbara spent her final days in an assisted living facility with Sweetie and Tinkerbell at her side. She had taken great care to tell the nurses and staff about her plan for the cats. Within hours of her passing, OHS was notified and picked up this bonded pair of cats and brought them to the shelter. Tinkerbell, age 12, and Sweetie, age 17, received lots of love and attention during the three months they spent at OHS.

Nathan and Jen had been watching them on the OHS website and finally decided to make them part of their family.

Follow them in their new home on Instagram

Read about other Friends Forever alumni.