Read our 2024 Friends Forever™ recap here, and our alumni stories below:

Read our 2023 Friends Forever™ recap here.

Read our 2022 Friends Forever™ recap here.

Murphy, the Australian Silky Terrier

Murphy’s owner secured his future through the Forever Friends Program. You can plan for the care of your pet if they outlive you, so they will always have a loving home.

Cat Guy Never Gave Up His Cats

Two super senior cats know what it is like to be loved. They have been adored and cherished for two decades by a man who rescued them from a rough beginning.


A Commitment to Our Beloved Pets

These pets were enrolled in Oregon Humane Society’s Friends ForeverTM program after their owners included OHS in their estate plans. Planning for the care of pets if they outlive us can be an emotional process. 

Vicki aka Queen Victoria

Dear OHS, I will be forever grateful for the care and attention given to Vicki aka Queen Victoria (such an appropriate name for her). She is a very special kitty who was a well-loved companion for my mom.

Telly & Grover

We never know if our pets will outlive us, so putting a plan in place for their care is important. Enrolling in OHS’s Friends Forever program is an easy way to ensure that your pets will be safe, loved and find a new home when you are no longer able to care for them.

Ollie and Rusty

Shirley, a retired scientist and OHS supporter of 40+ years, adopted Rusty after he had been passed around among a series of owners. Rusty was a bit of a challenge; he sometimes let his herding instinct get the better of him and nipped at people’s heels. Shirley adopted Ollie soon after and the boys bonded immediately. They loved their life with Shirley, and each other, in Idaho.

Meet Sweetie and Tinkerbell!

It’s often said that animals know how to find the right person when they need help. Sweetie and Tinkerbell were each wandering the streets as stray cats when they crossed paths with Barbara, a kind-hearted woman who had compassion for animals her whole life.

Zuzu and Zander

Sandy* had always had one cat who was part of the family. But one rainy day, a cat came across the field with a small kitten in its mouth. The cat walked up to the sliding glass door and looked up at Sandy who was standing inside the door.

Caring For a Friend

For the 38 years that Susan Blake and I were friends, there was nearly always a sweet cat presence in her home. Her most recent kitty, Ginger, was no exception.

New Family Welcomes First Feline

Supporters of OHS have incredible hearts and incredible pets. As a donor relations manager, I have the pleasure of getting to know some of these amazing people.

Two Senior Felines Find Loving Homes

Stephen Swearingen’s cats were the reason he decided to enroll in the OHS Friends Forever program. Stephen was only 60 years old, but he knew that the diabetes he was battling would soon bring his life to an end. Stephen’s closest companions were his cats Cali and Chelula.

One Year Later: Mac & Wylie

Patricia had done her research and was confident that Friends Forever would take good care of her boys. Patricia included OHS in her will with specific instructions that should she become incapacitated, or when she died, she wanted Mac and Wylie to come to OHS.

Friends Forever Finds Clyde a New Home

Art contacted OHS a few years ago, worried about his two beagles, Bonnie and Clyde. The two dogs were healthy, but Art was worried about their future. What if there came a time when he was unable to care for them?

Tuxedo Cat, Shaggy, Finds New Home After Owner’s Passing

In December 2013, loyal OHS supporter Susan Powers* was being treated for cancer. Although she was optimistic about her prognosis, she contacted OHS to make a plan for her two cats.

Bonded Pair Baby & Cookie Find A Home

Finding a home for a “bonded pair” can be challenging, particularly when they are mature dogs like Baby and Cookie. The pair of toy poodles had lived with each other nearly their entire lives, and needed to find a new home where they could continue to live together.


Bentley came to OHS through the Friends Forever program, where pets have a place to go if their owner is no longer able to take care of them due to an unexpected medical incapacity or death. By enrolling in the program and making a planned gift, Bentley’s owner secured his future.


Last month, we received the call no one wants to make. Due to Tim’s declining health, he needed to find a new home for his best friend, Buddy. Sweet, curious Buddy arrived at OHS and quickly made his way into the hearts and home of a new family, overjoyed with the opportunity to love and care for him.